Ambition can take you anywhere. It’s transformational. It’s what makes the extraordinary possible. And because we are ambitious like you, we have conceived a special discount for students to enable them to pursue their dreams and conquer any financial obstacle standing in their way, and empower you to reach the stars.
We are committed to helping both our community of industry professionals and film enthusiasts, and our planet at large..
Our commitment to our planet is translated through socio-environmental actions. Our commitment to our industry is by pledging a percentage of our yearly profit to dedicated film foundations and organisations.
Our mission is to help film enthusiasts around the world hone their skills and improve their competencies .
As such, we have a special discount to fellow members of associations and societies to foster mutual success. These associations and societies include but are not limited to: ACO and SOC.
We are passionate about film and feel like the gatekeepers of our industry, transmitting the legacy to new generations of filmmakers. As such, we value quality and stay committed to providing it in everything we do.
Our training is offered via world-class instructors and best-in-class film professionals and speakers, all with global,